Gelcoats & topcoats
Polyester gel- and topcoats are the coloured outer layers of a polyester laminate. Besides this aesthetic function, this outer layer serves to protect the underlying laminate from weather influences and chemicals. Romar-Voss Composites' product range includes gel and topcoats in different qualities, colours and packaging. Check out the extensive range below.
Isophthalic acid gel- & topcoats
Gel- & topcoats suitable for standard applications, available in both hand and spray versions.
Isophthalic acid gel & topcoats with NPG (ISO-NPG)
Gel- & topcoats with higher chemical & hydrolysis resistance than isophthalic acid gel- & topcoats (hand & spray).
Flame-extinguishing gelcoats
Gelcoats that combine with flame-extinguishing resins to make a product meet certain flame-extinguishing standards and requirements (hand & spray).
Vinyl ester gelcoats
Gelcoats with extremely good chemical resistance often used in mould making (hand & spray).
Barrier coats
Barrier coats are suitable for marine applications due to their excellent surface properties and resistance to water and blowing (hand & spray).