GTS casting resin

  • Crystal clear

  • Low viscosity

  • Less shrinkage compared to standard polyester resins

  • Developed for making transparent castings

GTS is a crystal-clear casting resin based on an orthophthalic acid polyester resin. This GTS resin has been developed for object casting and biological casting. The resin is a low-viscosity pre-accelerated polyester resin fitted with a special accelerator system. Compared with standard polyester resins, this casting resin has good UV resistance, although it will eventually yellow slightly. Due to low reactivity and therefore less heat generation, less shrinkage occurs with this GTS casting resin than with standard polyester resins.


GTS casting resin can be used for transparent castings and organic inclusions, among other things; with fillers and/or opaque pigments for sculptures and reliefs, for instance.


Crystal clear

Viscosity (20°C)

350 mPa.s


GTS casting resin - 1 kg


GTS casting resin - 5 kg


GTS casting resin - 20 kg


GTS casting resin - 230 kg

Product sheet GTS casting resin (TDS) Download
Safety data sheet GTS casting resin (MSDS) Download