Peroxan A-40 L

  • Acetylacetone peroxide

  • Solution in diacetone alcohol

  • For curing cobalt-pre-accelerated polyester resins

  • Provides faster curing than ME-50 LX catalyst at equal processing time

Peroxan A-40 L is an acetylacetone peroxide (AAP) for curing cobalt-pre-accelerated polyester resins. Compared to ME-50 LX (standard MEKP), this catalyst has a much higher activity that ensures very fast curing, at a processing time comparable to ME-50 LX.


Peroxan A-40 L is often used in injection techniques. This catalyst is often used in smaller injection projects where several productions have to be run in one day. Peroxan A-40 L cannot be used with gelcoats and topcoats, but is soluble in water and alcohols.

Peroxan A-40 L




Active oxygen content

Approx. 4.2%


1.02 g/cm3


1 - 3% (depending on resin type)


Peroxan A-40 L - 30 kg

Product sheet Peroxan A-40 L (TDS) Download
Safety data sheet Peroxan A-40 L (MSDS) Download